Hiya! A lot has happened since I last blogged...

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    Its been 6 months now since I have been living full time. All the pieces are falling into place and my life has started to come together.

    Some of my biker friends invited me to join facebook so I could view all of the photos taken during the partying so I did. I now feel I am back in the loop and have been going up the biker pub and hanging out with my friends on a regular basis now. Life is returning back to normal.

    My daughter said the other day that I looked really pretty.

    Work has really picked up in the last couple of months and its a struggle to keep up but least I am earning and paying the bills. All of my customers have been wonderful.

    I saw my shrink this week and she said I was a picture of confidence and contentment. I agreed and I said everything has worked out really well and its all green lights as far as I am concerned. We discussed the op and time scales and agreed that I would spend the next couple of years on hormone treatment and schedule my op for around 2011/2012 in time for me to sufficiently recover for my 40th birthday! yay! I plan for life to truly begin as the woman I should be at 40! I also remain realistic that for health reasons it might be too risky for me to under go such a traumatic procedure. So, if i have to live the rest of my life with a willie then so be it, least I am living my life as a woman. However, fingers crossed!

    I saw my GP today and he had received a letter from charing cross stating that I could choose to start treatment so he said to give him a week to find out about dosages so I could be on AAs very shortly!I have an appointment at charing cross on the 15th Sept for my second assessment where I believe I will then be allowed to chose to start hormones which of course I will do so.

    I'm a bit disappointed about my laser treatment because although during the treatment about 98% of my beard was gone I feel a lot if not most has now grown back. I am thinking that this is probably due to having testosterone in my system and continuing to spark off re-growth. Once I am on finasteride I will pay for another package of sessions and see how I get on. The laser I had was a CAT6 thingy-me-bobby and not IPL.

    Living full time has been a complete dream in real terms. I haven’t had any bad or negative reactions from the general public and I feel free to go wherever I please. Although I have had a couple of people being indifferent on the edge of my social circles they are merely distant associates and play no part in my life, my close and real friends have been absolutely superb in being friendly and inviting me out to parties and including me in the social scene.

    I just want to finish up by saying that Charing Cross and the NHS have been totally brilliant, understanding and fulfilling what they said they would do.

    cya xxx

    ps. gawd lol, reading back it sounds like an acceptance speech for a bafta or somin lol. I supose its just me in my realisation that I have made it to where I wanted to be