Mile Stone

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    I went to CX last week, had my bloods done to see how the finasteride is affecting my system. She seemed suprised I hadn't started hormones yet, I said it was because I had to give up smoking for 3 months and here I am! She said, well I dont need to give you another approval, your last letter to your GP even included the medications and at what dosage. I said, "right-o, I'll make an appointment as soon as I get back."

    My appointment was today, I sat down and told the story, the Doctor pulled up the letter and said ok thats fine. 2 minutes later I walked to the chemists with my prescription of estradiol 2mg. When I got home it was 6pm, I thought it was a bit late in the day to take my first dose so I've decided to wait until tomorrow. Yeah right, did I hell!

    Yesterday, I happen to have my 6 monthly health check at the hospital. My HbA1C has come down to 8.2% after a lot of years being above 10%. The Doctor was very please with the progress and control. I said I think its because I have dealt with who I am as a person. I can now deal with the other serious problems in my life. When I was in denial, it was like I denied that I had to deal with anything. I used to be a heavy smoker for 25 years and now I dont. Although I never considered myself an alcoholic I used to drink 2 to 3 bottles of whisky a week where as now I might go a whole week with nothing, one bottle a month and a social drink now and again.

    Although I have been through some difficult times this last 6 months my life has really turned around for the better. I think I will celebrate, wheres that bottle! lol