How I is now :)

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    A lot has happened! After a year of harassment of being called a paedophile, threats of my vehicle being petrol bombed and general abusive comments from my neighbours they were evicted. However, abuse from other neighbours continued. Whilst crossing a foot bridge over a river 2 young lads threatened to break my arms and legs and throw me in the river. The police were excellent and were there within minutes. The 2 lads got 150 hours of community service each and I got awarded 400 quid in compensation.


    Since I have had 10 sessions of CBT on the NHS to help me cope with the psychological trauma which has made my general day to day life and general mental health a lot better. I am still in pain with a trapped nerve which is stress induced and I continue to have acupuncture and yoga lessons on the NHS. I am hoping to continue to be on incapacity benefits whilst I get my life back into order and get over the stress.


    I've just had my house repossessed which added more stress lol but I have now moved away from social housing and the types of people who live on council estates and moved into private rented accommodation and it seems more pleasant. I am hoping my stress levels will be reduced. The government have just cancelled all of my benefits saying I am fit for work. I guess this is the governments way of showing they are tackling the problems of the economy by moving people from incapacity benefits to job seekers benefits even there are no jobs for anyone as a good way to spend tax payers cash. I have started my appeal, more stress!!!


    Although I am suffering from stress, in myself as a human being I am very happy with my identity. I am also happy that I can reflect upon myself and can see that I am suffering from stress so I have been able to seek appropriate treatment. I had a short 3 month encounter with a man which answered a lot of questions for me. I realised that any sexual intimacy was a huge blocking wall for me in my current status and I explained this to my gender therapist to which I have got my 1st referral for surgery and in 6 months I hope to get my 2nd where details will be set outyay! At some point in the future if I am lucky enough to find someone else to be with I will hopefully feel the relationship will develop naturally as I will have less inhibitions and it wont be so difficult for me


    I have moved into shared accommodation and my house mate is a post op of 3 years and we have been having a right scream and a laugh. I am a lot happier than I was


    catch ya later xxx

1 comment
  • Briana Lynn Rekowski I remember reading your story and talking a bit with you when I first got here. You have made some big advances in your life. If I were religious, I would say god bless you, I'm not, so I'll say tear it up girl, take no prisoners. Stories like yours...  more