Recent Entries

  • In (Social) Media Res(pect)

    This week, one of our members, Kristelle Watkins, launched her new Youtube channel. I strongly urge you to take a look - the first of her videos can be found here:   When I first joined the Gender Society (or Trannyweb as it was then), one of our members, Marsha, strongly expressed her opinio...
  • Reasons To Be Cheerful - Part Five

    <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> After a none-too-comfortable few days of a summer cold, I'm happy to say that I'm once again uncongested and have caught up with my sleep. My emotional balance also seems to be back on an even keel, which is probab...
  • For Crying Out Loud

    Despite the pleasant late summer weather we've been enjoying lately, I contrived somehow to catch a cold this week. I don't often get them, which is just as well, because they always go straight for my sinuses, and for three or four days lying down is painful, so I don't get much in the way of sleep...
  • Six sessions of laser treatment now complete, and the areas that still haven't been completely cleared are, paradoxically, much more noticeable in their splendid isolation. This last session was something of a 'mop-up', targetting the die-hard patches with a higher dose of laser and by golly, did ...
  • You are now leaving the comfort zone

    <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> Back to work today, after two weeks holiday. It's been a really enjoyable fortnight, spent pretty much totally en femme. The exception was last Tuesday, when I went to my parents' home for dinner, and a "surprise...
  • Form ever follows function?

    <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> In a current forum thread, Melody raises the interesting question of whether transwomen ever imagine themselves breastfeeding their baby. When I read the posting, it reminded me of some events from earlier in the...
  • Reasons To Be Cheerful - Part Four

    <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -- As of Friday just gone I'm on holiday for two weeks, and very glad to be so. The opportunity to spend some downtime pottering around the house, and even the garden, without any pressing to-do's, deadlines or commit...
  • Session five of laser treatment, and the kid gloves came off with a vengeance. It's apparent that the upper lip is the area least keen on giving up its allowance of hair, and in an effort to make a real impression there, my lady-of-the-laser turned up the intensity another couple of degrees. The r...
  • Something like a festival

    I'm happy to say that this week has generally been much less hectic, and so there was no obstacle to my spending the weekend visiting friends in Welwyn Garden City and looking in on the Kaleidoscope festival, although a last-minute crisis did mean I had to set out on Saturday morning rather than F...
  • The best laid plans...

    It's been a frustrating week, one of those where everything takes twice as long as it should, and no-one's returning any calls. As a result, I ended up working over the weekend, and failed to make it down to the Pride event in Bournemouth as I'd hoped. The pictures suggest I missed out on a good t...