Retail Therapy (but not for the usual things!).

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    Well girls,


    As of this morning, I now have to indulge in that very popular pastime ............ Retail Therapy!

    Normally I'd really be looking forward to it; spending hours around the shops, looking at, trying on, selecting/rejecting items, and buying, along with the obligatory stop for coffee, and a little bit of naughty indulgence .... a cream donut (or two!).

    But the retail therapy I now have ahead of me will give me little or no pleasure at all!

    This morning, I was out, just to pick up milk, etc., when my car, literally, went BANG!!

    I called the AA, and when the mechanic arrived, he pronounced my car deceased! The cost of repairs were totally un-economical. So off she will go to that great scrap-heap in the sky, where deceased (and usually well behaved ) cars go. There she will, hopefully, meet up with other long (and some not so long) serving "transports of delight" from my past.

    But, as a car is an essential to me, I now have the need to shop for a replacement. Early decisions on budget, type, make, etc. have to be faced, before the search starts in earnest. The last time, I searched on line to begin with, but ended up finding the one I finally bought in a relatively local dealership. The "on line" range was very extensive, but wide-spread geographically, so, if I was interested in one, I could have a long journey to look at it, only to find that it wasn't the car for me.

    Long journey, time spent, for no return!

    So, this time, I think it'll be a look round the local dealerships first, and, with any luck, they'll have something suitable.

    Plus, of course, something I can afford!!


    It must be one of the few times in life that I actually DON'T look forward to a dose of Retail Therapy!



    Angela.   xxx.