"Rainless" Days ....... I don't believe it !!

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    Well ................ I'm back from Barcelona, and, as the title suggests, the weather was fab !!

    OK, some of you might be wondering why that should be the major thing about a holiday, but, whilst many of you have been "sweltering" in warm/hot summer weather, here in Ireland, since May, the highest temperature recorded in Dublin has been 24 C.  And there has hardly been 2 days in a row when it hasn't rained !! So, to have a few days away, with NO rain, and temperatures in the 30's each day, is quite something to feel joyful of !!

    So, now that I'm back home, after a really great few days away, and work looms on the horizon, I'm actually looking forward to getting back to what I laughingly call a normal routine !!  Yes! It was great having the past while off, but, in honesty, I'm ready to get back to that "organised chaos" I call work!!

    I know the diary is relatively quiet for this week, or, at least it was when I last looked at it, so my new-found energies might just find the chance to get a few little "extras" that I want to get cleared up at work, sorted.

    So, to mis-quote .....................

    "I owe, I owe, so it's off to work I go ........."

    Talk soon,


    Angela.  xx.