OFF to bed

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    I made it one more day.  My heart hurts and I cried with a residents daughter whose father died today.  I know what that is like but at least her dad made it to 92.  I am wearing my ig fluffy oots as they always make me fell better somehow.  Kind of like a security blanket.  Cotton clothing is the est for sleep in my own opinion.  I am still having dark suicidal thoughts and I think I will call my doctor tomorrow and let him know.  My wife keeps telling me that she loves me so much and I don't let it get through to my heart for some reason.  I am tired tired beyond physical tiredness my soul aches and is weary and in need of restoration.  My spirit is downtrodden and empty and yet I push on into an unknown and uncertain furture.  I am going to take sleep meds and sleep it off.  Ten xanax didn't keep me down mixed with all that other shite.  I'm off to make tonights cocktail and see what happens.  Karen