Saw a new Psychiarist yesterday

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    I just wanted to let you gals know I saw a new Dr. yesterday and she has had experience working with transgendered patients.  I get a really good vibe from her and I think she may actually be able to help me deal with my issues.  My wife was with me on my visit.  We are also going to see a psychotherapist on Tuesday to deal with marital issues as they relate to a transgendered person like myself.  I am trying to get better and be more positive.  I love my wife.  I don't love myself.  I love my two boys.  I don't like who I am.  I am the only one who can change this.  Please send good thoughts my way.  I will try to post more regularly how I am doing/feeling while I am in the process of therapy.  I do not know where this road will lead to but I have to keep walking it for now.  K