I liked my therapist

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    I liked my therapist and hope that we can turn things around for me and my family.  I don't expect to ever be cured of my transness as I don't believe it is a disease but rather a brain malady or disorder.  I am tired of my wife intecepting my hormone package shipments.  I suppose I will have to have them delivered elsewhere.  AS I have said before I want the curves and the smooth skin and less hairy body and I am willing to pay the price of growing breasts and possibly going all the way but it isnt a decision to be made in a day.  I am still very depressed and weary and suicide plagues my thoughts.  I want to get better but i guess I also want out if possible.  My wife is angry at me now and I must go.  She is bein a watchdog over me and i am tired but I guess it means that she cares.  I gotta go.  Please help me see hope.  keran