tempus figits

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    I come from a family that for unknown reasons used to play with the English language. My mother would say "tempus figits" instead of "tempus fugit." We also had ways of murdering the language "spagetti" was called "pasgetti" and turning words around- Why? You might ask and I'd have to say "Who knows."

    My dad had nicknames for everyone he worked with - for example one man wore a 

    toupe - he was called "whiggie."

    I know I came from a disfunctional family but to compound it with language - ?

    We did well in school except for my brother who was just a head of me in school. He was termed a "slow lerner."

    Come to think of it my oldest brother was always getting into trouble. I guess we all had trouble with authority figures. Is that odd?  I still have trouble in that respect. I treat everyone as equals and I suspect they resent that. I guess I'm supposed to act like I'm the inferior one or is it the other way round?  Oh well, as long as I'm the pretty one