Friday - yeah

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    Well I tried to change the color of my font and it didn't work. But that doesn't discourage me - I'll blog away anyhow. It's been a wet week; I've been in the pool all five days - taught 4 sessions. I  think I'm getting pruned (that's wrinkeled) not cutting off any of my limbs. Otherwise things are quiet - praise Gia or whoever is running this show. I weighed myself yesterday - a scary practise - I'm now 183 lbs. That's 13 stone - is that good or something? I went onto the patio this morning and was immediately bitten by moskigoes(I know thats not how its spelled). Masybe the pool is tenderizing my skin - could be. Personally speaking I must be looking good - I've amazed a few people when they found out my age. Made me feel good.

    Well that's about all I can write now - have a loaf of bread due to come out of the oven - must rum
