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    Just finished reading the latest answers to Randon Opinion.  FAT CITY as used to be said. I'm no expert on diet - in fact I'm big on cheating but only a little. "Ranch Dressing" -bad

    I'm surprised at Katie saying she doesn't eat salads - I'd get her eating salads - most people think of lettuce and tomato or potato salad but salads can be made from all kinds of vegetables and things you wouldn't think to put in a salad. We like artichokes they are great in a salad.

    Someone else said Ketsup(there used to be Catshup) - too much salt. My humble opinion since I'm on "No Salt."

     I'm very conscious of my weight - three years ago I couldn't get below 200 lbs - then it was 190 now I'm working on getting below 180 - it's been tough and when I reach 175 I'll probably stay there. If I can cut out the daily consumption of booze I'd be better off - too much sugar. (I'm sweet enough) Right now I'm exercising 5 days a week for and hour a day and two of those days I go for 2 hours (not back to back - thank you goddess). Fat is turning to muscle - there's no fat on my back - it's concentrated on my waiste. As we all know muscle weighs more than fat so I'm not terribly concerned that I'm having trouble breaking 180lbs.

    All this work doesn't aid my femme figure - I ain't got a butt and there's no fat on my hip bones. I'm pretty much vee shaped- snake hips as we used to call them. A waiste cincher pulls me in some but I can only tollerate that garment during the winter months.

    Summer is here and I'm forced to cloth myself with the least amount of clothing. Since childhood my body had radiated heat. My family used to call me a "heating pad" - I had a lady friend who asked me to sleep in a seperate bed because I rediated too much "energy" - my wife can only handle being entwined for short periods - she says "you're too hot." So whether you call it heat, hot or energy - I have trouble with panties, pantyhose, stockings and waist cinchers during the summer.

    My wife calls me a trollop since I wear only mini skirts and a cami around the house. I do wear a thong - funny thing I was sittting outside yesterday and the chair I chose to sit in had been in the sun - thank goodness I was wearing a thong - ooh - hot.

    One other forums I was reading was about hair loss - I gave up on hair loss about 40 years ago. A barber once told me :"the best way to save your hair is with a cigar box."

    As Porky Pig used to say "Th - tha-that's all folds"