Out and About in London

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    Well after the weekend meet with other Trannyweb Girls I think I ought to do as I was told and add to my blog. It is ages since I did so and I can only apologise.

    Well the weekend meet and the visit to Transmission.

    I like to be able to spend as much time as Tina when the occasion arises and this time I was able to leave the house dressed apart from the wig. So I managed to get into my car and drive away from home and stop a little way away and add my wig. From then on I was Tina and set off for London.

    Now I am not sure wheter it was becuase I was not in a rush or whether I drive differently when dressed but the drive from Leeds to London was most pleasureable. I rarely topped 75mph and stopped for a short rest at Newport Pagnell servicxes where I got out to streach my legs and had a drink and a sandwich I had packed. I did not go into the services.

    Eventually I reached London and managed to negotiate my way to Kings Cross and the Premier Travel Inn on York Way. The problem was where to park. I ended up parking in the long stay car park at Kings Cross Station. It was £22 but I felt that it was worth it as the carpark was under security cameras 24 hours a day.

    Just as I drove into the car parkj the heavens opened so I spent about 19#0 minutes sitting in my car before it stopped and I could get out in the dry. I got my case and then had to collect a ticket from the attendant. Heart in mouth and trying to walk in as feminine way as possible I walked across the carpark dragging my trolly case and was given a ticket. Nothing untoward there.

    The next problem was the walk from the car park to the hotel. this involved a long walk along a pathway with no people where I could get my stride correct and then a walk through the middle of Kings Cross Station and the concourse. Then across the road and up York Place to the hotel. I am not sure if anyone gave me a second glance but I didn't notice anyone.

    Once in the hotel foyer the reception desk was very busy. There was a group of 8 young men leaning on the counter and generally making the receptionists time difficult and three other people waiting in a queue. I joined the queue and waited my turn. I was ready for any of the men to turn and say something but again this did not happen.

    Eventually my turn came and I approached the receptionist and said that I had a reservation. She looked up the information took my card and I paid. She didn't seem phased by the name on the card being male and me being dressed as a female.

    I took my key and went to find my room which was clean, with an ensuite toilet and bath.

    I then took a picture to show how I had arrived.

    I sat around for a while and amazingly enough actually did some work for about an hour. I then sat and watched TV until Christina sent me a text to tell me which room she was in and why not come along for a chat. I picked up my handbag and ker card and went to her room. She was sharing with Fay so I met the both of them for the first time and we had a drink together. They said that we were meeting in the bar downstairs at about 7:00pm  so I left them to get ready and wended my way back to my room.

    I then worked out what I was going to wear and around 6:00 had a shower and began to get ready. I was ready a little before 7:00pm. so I took a picture of how I was dressed. That is when I realised that my camera was running short on power and guess what I had left the spare batteries at home - silly girl.

    Here is the picture.