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    Late yesterday, really early today for some of you, my girlfriend and I had some pleasant conversations with some of you. I would sincerely like to thank those who participated. We got to talking afterward and some hurtful things where said by both of us, and I just finished calming her down after a very emotional talk about what I am going through and and why I feel like I need to go through this journey. from what I can tell she is more accepting of the idea than she was before, it's all just a matter of phrasing it the right way and giving her the information she wants and being their for her as much as she needs to be here for me. I love her and I hope this feeling never goes away. She was kind of upset by the things I said as much as I was hurt by the things she said but after much crying, on both sides we pulled through in one peice and I hope she forgives my selfish words as I have forgiven her hurtful words.
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