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    Don't fancy yours much  

     Katie suggested I post a log of some sort, of my final year, so here it is. Also available in Transylvania.

    The day is nearly here. Well, the month anyway. And it's been along time coming!

     I'll start with a bit of background:
    6yrs ago, I couldn't carry on living a lie. So at 45, I finally admitted to myself what everyone else seemed to have known all along. Despite the Navy, beer, cars, motorbikes, (not football, can't stand the game, and was crap at it anyway), beer, mortgage,wife and son, did I mention beer? etc. etc., I really knew there was something wrong, and what it was. It was just that back in 1970 ish, if there was the slightest hint of 'abnormality', you had the **** kicked out of you, and it went downhill from there. So you conformed. And kept the dressing very private. And suffered. My wife knew I dressed early on in the relationship, but was about as naive as I was, and was ok provided she didn't actually see me. She had her own set of friends, and so went away for the weekend occasionally. just often enough for me to keep things under control for some time.
     Eventually though, with a serious breakdown approaching, I quit drowning my sorrows and sought help.
    Money being conspicuous only by it's absence, I had one thing to thank being British for - it's National Health Service. Mind you, talk is cheap, actually trying to get action is like getting blood out of a stone.
     First stop, GP. Instant panic! (them, not me). I forgive them, it is a bit beyond their normal coughs, colds and sneezes. Quick buck pass to local behavioural psychcologist. First visit, I went into denial again. Second visit, opened up, used up his days ration of tissues, buck passed to real psychologist.
    18mnths of short chats with long intervals between, passed to real psychiatrist.
     One 1hr interview, certified not clinically mad, referred for surgery. Yes, result! Only taken three years from start.
    Wrong!!! My Primary Care Trust, who allocate the money, told me I must go to the 'best'. Charing Cross. Ok, I could live with that. (I did argue my case against to the top, but..). Only one small catch. They will not accept 'outside' referrals. Nepotism rules. I would have to be referred by their own shrinks, one 'iatrist and one 'ologist.
    2yrs later, 5 1/2yrs after my first approach, I got the final referral for surgery. All I have to do is lose weight and stop smoking. Simultaneously. No comment!
     Moving swiftly on, the idea is I will add to this as it happens. Then anyone following me down this road can find out exactly what goes on. And if you aren't going all the way, I can promise you will more than likely cross your legs and assume a rather pained expression before the end. I know, because I used to wind up the guys at work with explicit descriptions of the operation.(I may have even exaggerated a bit for effect. He he!). No, I won't do that to you, but will tell you without the sound effects. If you want more, 'e' or message me here.
     More soon. 
                     Hugs, Sue.