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    Must get an airbrush !!



    Any guesses? No, higher than that. You have a dirty mind J

    I am talking about the beard. The one piece that shows. Unless you become a Muslim. (No offence intended).

    I have tried three of the most popular methods. Correct me if you like, there may be others. I am no authority, just speaking from experience. One thing I do know, they all HURT. Hair has a number of growing stages, and needs to be dealt with at only one stage (I have forgotten which, I think it is the growth stage).


    1) Laser.

    Your face is zapped with a pulsed laser, (my operator used one about 1cm2), the theory being that the hair conducts the heat and the root is killed.

    Cost seems to vary where you go, some are twice the price of others, but it does seem to be evening out across the country. It is quite quick, can handle large areas, is like being pinged with a rubber band and generally prefers dark hair on light skin.

    Don’t be fooled when they say how many sessions. Facial hair is tough. You will need quite a number of visits to catch the hair at the right time, and each area needs more than one treatment. Very little hair growth is required to zap it, unlike some other methods. My sideburns and cheeks were cleared well, but the rest grew back, even after a dozen sessions. That said, a friend of mine has had more success.


    2) ‘Plucking’.

    This is newer, and involves ultrasonic tweezers. They need enough hair to get hold of with the tweezers, and ultrasound is passed down the hair to kill the root. It also worked well, but mine is really putting up a fight, and there is still some over my lip and patches under my chin. Possibly more sessions would do it. It was also the cheapest, and somewhere between laser and electrolysis in time.


    3) Electrolysis.

                The best known, and from conversations I’ve had, the most effective and permanent. It requires a skilled operator, and is slow. A needle is passed down the hair follicle to the root, and the current passed down to kill the root. The hair is simultaneously withdrawn with tweezers. Few hairs can withstand that kind of abuse, so there is little or no regrowth. I’m saving up to finish off with this.


    So, you pays your money and takes your choice. Do try and research the operator for whatever method you chose, especially electrolysis, as I understand some are fine until they come up against testosterone fuelled facial fur.


                Good luck.
