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     Oh Joy. This week I have been cordially invited to attend the gender clinic at the 'Hotel Charing Cross' in late August. Note, not the surgery, but the clinic, to see the psychiatrist. Again. though I was warned I would have to continue to see the shrinks, it still p*ss*d me off, as I was half expecting to see the surgery appointment when I saw the letter. My reply was polite, and ran along the lines of ' I don't need to see you, so why don't you get your act together up there, liase with the surgeons and re-arrange the appointment to coincide with theirs, which is due around the same time, and save me and yourselves time, money and general inconvenience.' Have not heard back yet.

     On a more positive note, Cliff and I picked up the keys to our new flat today. Privacy with company. We are both loking forward to moving, and ran up the first load tonight. Was a bit selfish, and claimed the bigger bedroom, but there's not much in it. Cliff and Alice have a wardrobe each, and I need three! We've planned where everything we have will go, more or less, and now have to buy some furniture. Donations welcome, don't send love, send cash I'm really on a high, even more than usual.

     Work is still going well. It took me a bit longer to understand the new job (same place, different client), but now I do understand it has got much easier. Onward and upward, as they say. It has helped me with my own computer as well. When I checked it out tonight, there is nothing in the files that shouldn't be there, and the connection is running at 95.3% of it's maximum speed. I'm happy with that, especially considering it is using 20m of telephone extension cable.

     That's all folks, I'm off for a chat. Maybe tonight I'll go to bed before the sun rises


    Sue. XX