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    Frustration Compounded.


              I am moving. Albeit slowly, but I am. Or actually, I have by the time this hits the blog. Took two-three weeks over it, but I am now in. All has gone relatively smoothly, except the phone and my Internet. Told the phone company I wanted to move, and wanted broadband at the new address. Ok. Can even have 2Mb. Great. But you can’t order broadband at the same time, because you can’t put it on a number in use. So you can move the phone, keep the same number, and then order BB when it is on, but that will take an extra seven days. Not great. But I can have a new number, and have the BB on at the same time. Ok. And I can reserve the old number, and the day after it is active, have my new number changed back to the old one. I swear I’m not making this up. Ok. I will do that.

    Activation last Friday, as I come out of hospital. Fine.

    Friday evening, nothing. Call to find out there is a problem at the exchange, they don’t do weekends, will be Monday. Mutter under breath, accept. Can’t do much else.

    Monday late afternoon, nothing. Call to find out they don’t know anything, those who do have gone home.

    Tuesday morning, call to find out there is still a problem at then exchange, due to be fixed Wednesday morning, but may be done today. More mutterings. Give up. It will happen when it happens, until then I will have to be my smiling patient self.

                New second hand desk just arrived for computer, so am going to fix that up now. Constructed sofa bed this morning, it has taken them three visits to get the desk I asked for, it has to be tall and narrow to fit in an alcove. You don’t realise how many wires are attached to a computer until you wire the whole thing up in one go. Same people brought the cute little washing machine, and I felt just a bit sorry for them having to bring it upstairs. And a bit like the lady of the manor.

                Will be back on air soon.




    I lie.

    Wednesday. Nothing happened

                Thursday morning. Called. Needs engineer. Like I didn’t know. Could be Monday before he arrives. Grrrr! Wonderful hold music interrupted often to tell me they are very busy, and thank you for holding. Also informed I can check progress on website. Very funny. Not!

                Friday. Engineer calls. Can’t fix it, needs new line, all the old ones are used up by previous repairs, and is two-man job. Maybe Monday.

                Saturday. Another engineer calls. Tells me other engineer was right-ish. Does need some work, but he seems determined to find the fault, and make it work. He spends some time going between my flat, the exchange, and the box outside. Some swearing results in success and he is smiling as he leaves. Probably because by then he is on treble time for a Saturday evening. I am smiling because it works. Now to read the 48 emails and all the other cr*p that has piled up during last week while I was on holiday and looking forward to spending my recuperation time surfing and such.

