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    So Far SO Good J – The new look:


    Went into the hospital last Monday, the 4th. Arrived at 14.00, as requested, sat around ‘til 19.00 waiting for my bed to be cleared. L No way was I leaving, even if it meant chaining myself to the railings! As it happened, it never came to that, but I did begin to wonder. I did get a light meal around teatime, but that was to be it until after the operation. TV was on pay-per-day, £3.50 a time, so listened to the radio instead. There was also an Internet connection, but also at outrageous cost per minute, and when I did try it, it was out of order anyway! C’est la vie.

    I found out that I waited for that long because they put me in my own private side room. They were going to do that last time a couple of years ago, but couldn’t, so I was on the main ward then. When I told the nurse this, she said she wished she had known, and…. you get the idea.

    Went to sleep eventually, slept abominably. Plastic on the mattress, a somewhat narrower bed than I am accustomed to, along with being very hyped up meant I did not have a good night, but never mind, tomorrow I would finally get the first real progress since I started hormones what seems like forever ago.


    Tuesday morning. Woke up really early, of course, then the usual, wait. Nil by mouth, but managed to get a couple of cups of black coffee during the morning. The surgeon came round, Ok’ed this and that, and for what seemed like the 19th time I confirmed I was real, healthy and not allergic to anything etc. More helpings of wait. And the usual mentions of weight, Namely I had more than my fair share. I am happy, they can go away. E v e n t u a l l y, just before midday, they came for me. Did I want steps to get on the trolley? No way, I just jumped on it, causing a laugh all round. Lead on, and don’t spare the horses. Outside the theatre, a quick jab in the hand, and I was out of it.

    About 4o/c, I came round, back in ‘my’ bed. Tubes all over, and a bit sore, but feeling pretty good considering. Sat up a bit, very carefully, with a couple of ouches, and started chatting with the nurse. Very well timed cup of tea came round, would I like one? Silly question. Nurse said would I be ok, did I feel sick or anything? I pointed out I had already finished most of a pint of orange juice, so I got my tea. And a second one. Then tea tea was offered, as in food, and was I hungry? Second silly question. Sat gingerly on edge of bed, managed to eat everything in sight. Tube in arm removed, didn’t need the nothing that was left in the bag anyway. Chest drains a nuisance, good thing they were virtually indestructible, considering the number of times I kicked them over, dropped them and generally abused them physically and verbally over the next couple of days.

    Having got the priorities right, I thought it was about time I had a look at the new additions. I was really curious, but a bit worried that I would see a couple of misshapen bruised lumps, so I had put it off…

    Still wearing the wonderful hospital gown, and the top was loose at the back already, so; deep breath, and pull. Rather too much tape to see clearly, but there were definitely two lumps there that had not been there before. J A bit smaller than I expected, more on that in minute. No sign of bruising, just normal looking breasts. Wow. And a grin that the Cheshire cat would have been proud of. J J After some admiration, time to touch. Left one was a bit numb around the nipple, right one fine. And both mine. J Grin got wider, if possible. And that is the end of the day, as I was now very sleepy again, so gave in and crashed out.


    Wednesday: woke early again, had another peek. J Yep, it was real. J Usual bed changing and things they do in hospital before you have a chance to wake up fully. More wait to breakfast, during which I was gently reminded by a nurse that now I have them, I should cover them up – had left the door curtain open, and that gown had fallen open and my newly acquired assets were on show. Oops! Quickly shut curtain. Change into my own pyjamas. I did consider taking a nightdress, but still have certain other assts that I definitely do not want on show! Then breakfast followed by doctors’ rounds. All ok, but have to stay another night L to make sure the drains are working, but not too much. Doctors asks what I think, and when I say they are a bit less than I though they would be, it was explained that these are the expandable type, which he said he may use, and they are to be ‘pumped up’ in a few weeks. J Yes! Me only more so! J Hitch drains on belt and go outside for cigarette. Follow this routine about every two hours for the rest of the day. Bored already. I am not a patient patient. Another restless night, but not so bad, as the pain peaked about 9o/c, and I got a small morphine shot.


    Thursday morning: woke bright and early, hope I can go home. Usual routine, hurry up and wait. During breakfast, am told drains still too much, can’t go home today. L Swore quietly, finished breakfast, made appropriate phone calls to say not today. Went for cigarette. Had two, and a chat with some of the other undesirables under the ‘No Smoking in the Hospital’ notice. Wandered back to ward. Nurse calls me over and I can go home today, J she has spoken to the doctor. I know that they need the bed really, but am not complaining. Make more calls to change all the arrangements again. Some dressings can now come off, and the drains out. See more of the result, and start grinning again. Have been wearing it ever since. I have breasts. J Still too much tape on for my liking, but so what, it won’t be there for long. Was given some exercises to regain movement, but was already passed that point anyway, I know from previous experience I recover quickly. Told them that the type of tape used will not stick to me very well, but no one heard me. Must wear bra all the time, but as I was doing that anyway with the inserts for the last two years, no change there.

    Early afternoon, Cliff arrived to escort me home. Guess I forgot to tell them he couldn’t drive my car so drove myself. And that is about it. It hurt more and lasted longer when I had my tonsils out. Almost a non-event, but the results are great.J Arranged appointment to have dressings changed. This can apparently only be done in Exeter, where I had the operation. Only the nurses there can deal with any complications that may arise. But when it comes to the inflation procedure, I can have that done in Torquay, because they have surgeons there who can do that. No, they can’t explain that either!

    Under orders not to get wet. No showers, sit up baths only. So I had one when I got in. Two patches fell off. Then to my new bed, we got them the week before for the new flat. Luxury.

                Friday: Stiff, a bit sore, but very happy. J And smelly. L Another sit-up wash. Had an easy day, and then drove up to pick up my son, who was to stay for the weekend. Played playstation until late with him, then sleep. Two more bits fell off overnight.

    Saturday: Another lazy day, trying to obey orders to take it easy. Not good at that either. Half of tape and dressings now falling off-am supposed to exercise and get moving, but dressings restrict it.

    Sunday: To the beach. Packed some sandwiches (what else do you have on a sandy beach?) and some drinks. Cliff had found a 2-man dinghy, so we got some oars and headed off. Had to keep tee shirt on, L bloody great bits of unsightly tape still from armpit to shoulder, but was probably for the best, as it was very hot. Too hot, went in dinghy, carefully. J Bliss. Home late afternoon, tea and take Peter back. He moves up school this September, time passes so quickly. All but the last part of the dressings are now hanging off, so decide sod it, and pull them right off as well, and go for shower. J Evening wear now low top, as it is still in the high twenties, and because I can. Mainly the latter, I admit it. J

    Monday: Take it easy day. Not. Went and paid the final instalment on the new sofa bed, delivery Tuesday. Will be able to sit down to watch TV for the first time in three weeks. Collect the last of my stuff from the old place, namely a lot of books. Cliff lifts, I direct operations. A bit frustrating, but I also feel very ladylike. Mixed emotions, moving out again, mainly good ones. A new start, in more ways than one. We went for a drink or two to celebrate. Cliff introduced me to a new cocktail, involving Pernod and things. Got a bit pissed.

    Tuesday: Decided to do this write-up. So here it is. Hope you weren’t too bored.

    Gentle hugs to all,




    P.S. Tried to take a picture, but during move, half the computer functions have uninstalled themselves, so you'll have to imagine for now. (and not, it was not going to be topless)


    P.P.S. When I had the dressings changed, I found out that I do not have to wait for too long before they get 'pumped up'. I have to go back next week, and may, if things have healed well enough, get the next step there and then. They may go in two more stages, maybe three, but it should all be done before the end of August.(still smiling hugely)



