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    Firstly, thanks for all the comments and encouragement. The card welcoming the 'two new arrivals' (you know who you are) was great, and I had a good laugh over it. I have two points (pun intended) to make though:

    1) The picture was not meant to be that big, I didn't know it would do that! The first time I posted one, I had to shrink it to make it fit.

    2) Having had an objective look at myself, I now know what you are all looking at, and why men talk down to ladiesAnd if you have read the previous text, you will know that what you see is not what you get, there is more to come.

    Neither will I have to wait as long as I expected. I have to go back next week, and may have the first expansion then, if all is well. Had a bit of a giggle when I had my first proper shower, after the original dressings were changed - little things make the difference - My towel now is self supporting

    Must stop here, I am back to work today (it is now nearly 2am Monday morning), and I didn't go to bed at all last night. Again. Write out 200 times, 'I must not stay up all night chatting'.

    Thanks again,

    There will be more....
