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    Or Up? Decisions Decisions...

    Can't make up my mind. Not three bad either way.

    Anyway, saw the doctor on Thursday, and everything is healing well, despite my efforts. However, as he put in too much in the first go, he has put off the first expansion for two weeks. I'm only a little disappointed, as I am still a bit sore.

    I believe I have mentioned before about getting documents and records changed. Nearly all mine have been done - bank, driving licence and so on. The passport officce has a special department handling such things, but I'm not doing that until after the final op. Even my GP has me as female. But guess what? during my little sojourn in hospital, I noticed that I am Ms Susan James. Male! At least according to the band on my wrist. Not so surprising, when it has taken them over a year to still have my second last phone number with my last new address on file. I wonder why they couldn't get hold of me on the phone. You don't suppose the fact it was cut off two years ago may had had something to do with it, do you? And when they do a print from the screen, which has Ms on it, it prints Mr? Explain that, because they couldn't. So, as I was saying, I am apparently still male. I thought that it might just be possible to change that. Wrong! It seems that, according to the receptionists, last time they tried to change a gender, it had to wait until two years or something like before they could update it. Though I can and have been called in for a smear test a couple of years ago, and recently for a mammogram. With a rider saying that it can't be done in the mobile unit if you have implants, and to arrange to have it at the hospital. Good thing I'm an idiot, or I could begin to believe they are messing with my head. So I asked the big chief doctor, and even he had to agree the situation is ludicrous, and he is going to look into it. Maybe I'll set a precedent.

    That's about all for this time.

    Hugs and thanks again for the support, hope you like the new pics. Think I like the down one better.
