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    Actually, I did a bit. This addition is in blue, because that is exactly the way I feel right now. I spoke to Charing Cross today, to confirm my new address, and to enquire why I had not heard from the surgery department yet. The first number I called was of course at lunch, with no cover for the phone apparently. I left my number, and sasid they could call me after 5pm, namely after work. The next number was not answered. Then I tried a third, and a very helpful lady answered.

    She changed the address, then gave me the number of what I assumed to be the surgeons secretary. Wrong. A man answered, and said he was in the department that requests the funding from your PCT (Primary Care Trust, fundholders for the local hospitals and healthcare). And he knew nothing of any such request being placed yet. He explained that the psychologist would refer me to the head surgeon, who then passed on the request for confirmation of funding being authorised, before he would proceed with arrangements for surgery. And he had not heard from the head surgeon, but would try and find out what the situation was. The call was cut off while I was on hold. Surprise surprise. Anyway, I called him back later, and he said he had not managed to get hold of anyone who might be able to answer the question.

    I am at this point well and truly pissed off. And upset, because I know what is coming, and I expect you do too.

    Sure enough, on my way home my mobile rang. Much to my surprise as it was just after 6pm and a polite woman on the phone explained she had had to work late, so she agreed to call me.

    Ther was some confusion over the address, but we sorted that out, then she wanted to know why I had been talking to the other department. I explained I had been given to understand that I was being referred. No, it seems that when I was told on my previous visit that when the psychologist said he would, quote, "be happy to refer me for any surgery", It seems I misunderstood him. He did say I would have to lose weight, and I agreed to do so, before the surgeon would operate. And this would be discussed when I met the surgeon. Apparently, he meant I would have to lose weight before he would refer me. (This is secondhand information, from the Clinic office, so not written in stone). How the hell would he know if I had or not, when I had no further appointments with him, nor did he at any point ever weigh me. What a load of crap. She did she "where I was coming from", her words.

    The end result is that as far as I can tell, since I saw him nearly three months ago, absolutely NOTHING has been done.

    And they wonder why we get stressed out. And why not everyone who is referred to Charing Cross makes it through the assault course. And why, though they are supposed to be "the best available", according to the director of my particular PCT, everyone I have had contact with who has been referred there has nothing good to say about the experience. The only good thing said is that the end results from some of the surgeons are very good.

    Enough said.

    A VERY irate Sue.