One and a half additions :)

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    More cheerful today.


    I can’t stay down for long, despite everything.


    I went for my first top –up on Thursday, after an odd and frustrating night. Sorry, no pictures yet.

    About 7pm Wednesday, loads of van turned up outside, from the Water board, and they started to dig. First the pavement cutters, then the pneumatics, accompanied by the usual full volume conversation carried on by the workmen. I have no idea what time they finished, I fell asleep shortly after midnight, and they were still doing something out there. And before anyone asks, there was only one good-looking one, but that would have been cradle snatching J.

              Cliff woke me about 6am as usual, with a cup of tea. It is lucky he wakes up early naturally, because apparently they had at sometime during the night managed to cut through the main electric cable serving our side of the street! It was back on, but all the alarms and clocks and things were completely wrong. This may have something to do with the fact that I’m always forgetting to replace the back-up batteries until something like this happens.

              Over breakfast I thought I had better go on-line and check the phone company had put back the money they took out in error, which they had previously promised they would not do after I called them last time, as it was reserved for the rent. Could not log on. Hmmm. Tried phone. Dead! While I reported this to the phone company, I wondered if it was just coincidence? Hole in road, power cut… don’t know yet, as useless buggers can’t get anyone out until next Wednesday! However, do get free mobile until it’s fixed. Why do I think I will be seeing that hole re-opened in the near future? I digress, as usual, so…

              Back to the main subject. Saw the doctor Thursday morning as planned, and he was really pleased with the way things have healed up. I wasn’t sure what to expect, as he got out loads tubing, valves and stuff. I did not see any kind of needle, as I was half expecting to have a local anaesthetic. Wrong. There was just a cold spray and then he stuck in a large needle. Small ‘ouch’, not too bad. Then he pressed the syringe. Large ‘OUCH’, Stop, back out, and try again. Ok, connection proved by removal of some saline, then in with the rest. Three times 50ml. And I didn’t feel a thing. I just watched it expanding; I could feel that a bit, but no pain at all. So, I now have 275ml in the left, 125ml being the starter he put in. This is great, thinks I. And another 100ml to go next time, in two more weeks, keeping the Things are looking up. Or out, depending on your point of view. Roll over for other side. Cold spray, and it tickled, making me laugh. New large needle. ‘ouch’, missed. Missed again. Third time lucky? No. Calls in the boss. He has two goes, but it seems I have healed too well. He won’t try any more, as he doesn’t want to make any scars.

    So next week, I have to go in again and have them try to get in using a scanner to find the right place. Well, they do say most women have one larger than the other, but not this much J. The things we do to become ourselves! So, one week to equalisation, one more to bring them up to full size if all goes well, and that’s it for the top. I will get a photo and post it – NOT topless, I hasten to add.

    Then on the 25th, Charing Cross. No reply has been received from them regarding my last letter, despite the fact I specifically requested them to at least acknowledge receipt of it. Why am I not surprised? I’ve not heard of any fires there unfortunately, despite the temperature at which it was written. I did consider taking my carving knife to the next session, and suggesting one of us left with no b*lls. However, this time it is with Dr Lenihan, who has none, though she may have done once J. And Dr Barrett, the other idiot I have been saddled with up there, has none, if you know what I mean! Still, that means the only ones removable are my own, which is what they should have done three years ago. DIY anyone?

    So, that’s about it for now. I am wandering around with a distinct list to port. And hoping that all will be sorted before the 25th, so I can visit them shoulders back, chest out and all that military cr*p J.

    P.S. if you’re getting squeamish, I wouldn’t follow this blog too closely in the near future!