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    Progress !!!


    Red for a red-letter day. I received two letters, to be precise, on Monday. One was less than good news, so I’ll do the bad newsL/good newsJ thing.


    The hospital where I’ve been for the top op, and who are supposed to be getting me in soonest for the top up, wrote to me to say the scan waiting list is 17 weeks!L I think they misunderstood the request from my consultant, and appear to have booked me in for a proper scan, rather than the local to find the top up valves. So I sent the letter to my consultant, with a note saying if this is the best they can do, to send me to a ‘man who can’. Too early for a reply to that yet.


    JA result from Charing Cross, though. Dr Barrett actually signed the letter he sent, himself! Since my last, in which I made a number of threats, and suggested it would be courteous to at least acknowledge my letters, he has agreed to recommend me for re-assignment surgeryJ, and ‘will have done so by the time I receive this letter’. I can also have any other relevant surgery (at my own expense!L) with his blessing. He also added I will need to lose weight, which was discussed and agreed upon last visit. Doesn’t he read his own notes?


    However, that is all irrelevant – I have it in writing, I am finally going to get my operation, 6 years after my first approach for help. 5½ years since I moved into my own place and started to transition, and 2½ since a consultant psychologist and a consultant psychiatrist initially referred me to Charing Cross.

    I can’t remember the quote exactly about something grinding exceedingly slow, but it would seem to be appropriate. In those 2½yrs, I have had one, repeat ONE 1hr session with one consultant, who the first time I went up had phoned in sick, 11hrs travelling for nothing, and then months of waiting for the next appointment. I’ve seen the other one for about 3hrs. 4hrs over 2½yrs, to decide my whole future. And after all normal requirements were fulfilled.


    I started an official complaint, just before I got the news, and I still intent to pursue it. The intention is to try and give the whole system, and Charing Cross in particular, a good shake. We are human, and have rights. Just because our condition does not fall into the usual run of illnesses does not mean we should be treated as second-class citizens. I am hoping that by doing so others following will not suffer as I did, especially those who are more vulnerable than me. I am older, and have been there and done it, and thereby have a fairly impenetrable skin, and am stubborn to boot. (I cry into my pillow first, and then get up more determined than ever).

    I do have an ulterior motive, but don’t expect anything to come of it. Compensation, for all the grief my family and I have suffered, the expense of waiting, and anything else I can think of.

    Family grief? My son has been prepared for this for 2yrs, is now 11, and is beginning to have problems relating to me, in limbo as I have been for so long. My ex is only just beginning to build up a new relationship with me, and is finding it hard with my current neither one nor the other status. My brother says he will find it a lot easier ‘afterwards’. And my mum is getting on a bit, and though now accepting, will never understand but is just waiting.

    I personally would just like reimbursement for the days I’ve had to have off to attend the clinics, the travelling and all that. If I got something for myself as well, that would be a bonus. I don’t hold out much hope though.


    Enough doom and gloom, ex and I are off to Charing Cross next week, (yes, arranged before the latest development, she was coming at her own suggestion to assist in the hangingJ), I have a long weekend, Thursday through to Monday inclusive, son may be coming down for it, (the fair’s in town), Cliff’s daughter and her husband are coming as well, so I’m going to be a busy girl for the next week or so.


    Hugs to all, and thanks for the support you’ve given me.
