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    Yet Another Non-Event!!!

    Went up Thursday to the Gender Clinic at Charing Cross. May I just remind you, these visits are at their request, not out of any desire on my part to see them. This time it was Dr Lenihan again, the second time I have seen her. She was not impressed by the letter I sent about a month ago, to the clinic in general, but directed at Dr Barrett and Dr Lenihan in particular, as they are 'in charge' of my case. She made a fatal mistake in asking what the problem was, and I'm sorry to say I lost it, and told her. Fortunately, Cathy was there to help put a brake on things, so I did not make a complete fool of myself.

    The purpose of these visits is actually to ask me if anything has changed in my circumstances or intentions. I think after six years of this farce, it would be clear to a complete idiot that I know exactly what I'm doing and what I need from them. I suggested the interview could be carried out on the phone - along the lines of :-

    Clinic "Hallo, this is the Gender Clinic"

    Me "Hallo, this is Sue"

    Clinic "Just asking if there is anything new to tell us?"

    Me "No. My circumstances, intentions and desires are all the same as they have been since my first interview"

    Clinic "Ok. We will call again in six months just to check"

    Me "Fine. You do that. Meanwhile, am I any nearer surgery?"

    Clinic "Yes, about six months nearer than last time. Goodbye."

    Wouldn't that save so much time and effort? And surely it it would be just as productive. After all, that is all that happens when I go there anyway. The idea did not receive rapturous applause. Wonder why?

    I sometimes wonder 'is it me?', but having heard from many others I know that it is 'Standard Operating Procedure' for the National Health Service, and  Charing Cross in particular.

    All I got out of the trip was confirmation that I have been referred to the surgeon. Who now has to request the funding from my local Primary Care Trust. However, having moved, no-one can tell me who this will be, the original PCT who agreed to forward me in the first place and who agreed to fund the Charing Cross thing, or the new one, who I have been informed (unofficially) only fund a limited number of operations a year. Am I being just a little cynical in expecting the latter, with additional delays built in?

    The augmentation expansion is still on hold - most of the staff and doctors seem to be on holiday for last and next week, so no-one can tell me what is going on. I am trying to get them to advance the scan, but no joy yet.

    Never mind, if I expect nothing, anything I do get is a bonus.

    On a happier note, the weather is behaving for the bank holiday weekend, my son is staying, the fair is in town, and I am still enjoying life.

    Sue. XXX