Another Small Step

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    Latest on the boobs. No, not the mistakes made, but the real thing

    Dear Dr has written to the radiology clinic, suggesting that they should be able to bring the date for the scan forward, due to the fact that 'she is lopsided, and needs to crack on' (unquote). He actually has quite a good sense of humour, besides being very understanding and helpful. That was sent to them on 25th, and I received in the same post an appointment for 10 days time and copy of his letter to them. Someone cares! Certainly Mr Devaraj and his registrar (whose name escapes me) do. If anyone is considering this operation, I would certainly recommend him, despite the little hiccup I suffered. He also does private, in Exeter. If only he did the other op.

    Unfortunately, I will have to get a second 3mth anti-androgen implant. I hoped it was not going to be needed, but good old Charing Cross dragging their heels have made it nescessary. I couldn't understand why my usual bonhomie was getting strained, but when I realised the first one was exhausted, all became clear. I really noticed a difference as the testosterone began to kick in again. It is not nice. that is being sorted this week.

    Downer for the weekend. I have not seen it for myself yet, but Cliff has told me my car has been broken into. It seems they forced the passenger door, tried to 'hotwire' it, then stole the radio. They could have saved themselves so much effort. It is an old car, the drivers door can be opened with a screwdriver, the battery was flat and it's an automatic, there was maybe half a gallon of petrol (gas) in it, and most of the functions on the radio didn't work. I will go see it in the morning - nothing is likely to happen overnight now, and the police will only come and look and say there is not much can be done, but I will need to report it for insurance purposes.

    C'est la vie.

    Sue. XX