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    As you can see, the second stage is now complete!

    There was still some difficulty getting the expansion to work, but after some persistence, work it did! Only one more to go - I'm really pleased with the results so far, and am looking forward to the next bit. Not without a little apprehension as to how big they will be I might add, but also with a little pride for the same reason. I guess every girl goes through the same thing when they get theirs. Even if I am nearly forty years late

    Had a bit of fun this evening, Alice and I. She did a bit of shopping, and so we decided to play with the camera, having nothing left to go out with. I've put my pics on my profile and pix site, and she will do hers tomorrow.

    The implant has now kicked in, and combined with the patches has re-awakened my real personality. I wish I had noticed the reason for the downswing sooner, it would have saved me from about three weeks of wondering why I was not feeling myself. I wish I could put a bomb under Charing Cross, and get them moving. It will be so much easier.

    That's about it for now.

    Love to all,

    Sue. XXX