All Good Things...

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    Come to those who wait. Ha bl**dy Ha.

    It's a good thing I am a patient person. Thanks mainly to the hormones, I reckon. I'm sure I'm not the only person who really would like to get hold of some of the 'Red Tape' used by administrators, and have a lynching party.
    In August, as I mentioned before, Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) referred me for surgery. At the time, I queried what would happen then.
    'The surgeons department will apply to the Primary Care Trust (PCT) for the funds, and as soon as they are confirmed, they will contact you regarding the operation.'

    "I've moved, where will they apply?"

    'Don't know, they will let you know as soon as... etc.'

    "If they apply to Torbay, they will say they don't know anything about it, as I've not been through them, it was approved through Exeter."

    Three months along, guess what? That's right, they did. After me chasing things up as usual, surgery funding have received a letter from Torbay saying they have never heard of me, and can they (surgery funding) contact the GIC for the original referral from Exeter. Surgery have passed this to the GIC.
    I called the GIC. There there is a most helpful and friendly lady, the clinic co-ordinator, Paulette Mullins. I have met her before, and she not only says she will get things done, she does. She told me she has all the bits of paper required, and is going to get things moving for me. For once, I believe it.

    On a more positive note, the final expansion is to take place on Monday (14th). I'm going all the way, and if it is too much, I can get them taken down a bit in a couple of months, when things have settled, and all the tubes and valves and stuff are removed.

    The dinner/night out is proceeding well. We may fill all the places, according to all the enquiries. There are 9 confirmed, and a number of others want to come. Not bad for a first try, and I hope to repeat early next year, when I can give more notice, and things aren't so tight near Christmas. Maybe round my birthday. (or a certain other celebration, but won't hold my breath on that one).

    Other news: Beware all you chatters. Katie has added me to the chatroom monitor list. Who's first for the Zap? Or maybe just a cyber-spankingActually, it's a mixed sort of feeling. It's nice to have the responsibility and feel trusted, but also a little scary to have it.

    That's about it again. I'll write a bit more next week, and maybe post another picture of the you-know-whats.

    Hugs to all,

    Sue. XX