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    Because I must have the patience of a saint.

    Today's farce began at just after 2pm, when I was called in to the ultrasound scan room for them to complete the final inflation of my implants. It was not the same doctor as last time, but I thought that would not matter, he will know what he is doing. WRONG AGAIN. After four or five attempts, all he managed to do was put saline into the tissue surrounding the valve. Non in the implant. He then decided to call in the head honcho, who carried out the procedure last time. Successfully, even though he had three goes at it.

    So he has a try at finding the valve with the scaner, thinks he has it two or three times, then decides he hasn't, and he cannot proceed any further today. Why? Because the saline from the first doctor is clouding the scan, so he cannot see things properly!

    He did then make an executive descion, to try and get me in agian at the first available opportunity, but it would have to be in a few days time to allow my body to assimilate the previous misguided attempt. And I use the word advisedly.

    I was not surprised to find out that his next clinic (Friday) is already too full to fit me in, and I now have to wait until next Wednsday morning. That gives me three days before the dinner to get rid of any effects, though so far there has been no bruising or anything. And I rather want to wear something a bit low cut. If you've got it, flaunt it. If being the operative word.

    So where do I apply for the halo? Or have I just been so bad in a previous life that this is my come-uppance? If you count my previous as pre-transition, just maybe I did accumulate enough negative points. Oh, the unfairness of it all Oh KNICKERS. That's what I say!

    Sue. XX