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    Do I bother going on. A couple of weeks ago, I was told by work that I was not moving to a certain other department, but to the third covered by our outsourcing call centre provider. Customer service I can do. Outgoing calls, emails, white (snail) mail I can do. But I ain't no sales person. Guess what? That's right, it involves customer service AND sales. This week, I had to take the certification tests. Twice. And guess who failed the sales one. Totally and completely and utterly. (I passed the customer service one relatively easily). It was for the same division that I applied for a couple of weeks earlier than that, but in the 'back office', because I prefer that side of the work. I only just missed out that time, there was one above me slightly higher qualified. Anyway, back to the main theme. I failed basically because I am just not pushy enough. As far as I am concerned, when someone asks for literature on a product, I give it to them. I don't then try and sell them it. That's what they wanted. I suppose it didn't help that I think the product is not that good, and way overpriced for what it does, though it does it well. No offence here, and it may sound like stereotyping, but I feel I must add the company is American. I can only go on reputation, but it does seem to fall into the category of what I perceive as typical American sales technique and all that that involves. The outcome of all this? Despite working there for nearly two years now, on two other campaigns, I may well lose my job. The boss of the division is currently considering if I can remain, and it depends if I can be placed in the back office. (Has he got the budget and a suitable vacancy, or can he invent one). If not, I'll have my third Christmas in five years recently unemployed. If I make it to Christmas under those circumstances. I am just about to throw in the towel. The only thing going for me at the moment is the potential success of the night out. There are 12 (yes, that is not a misprint, twelve), girls coming, some going out for the first time. Have I missed my calling? If only there was money in it. I am now just waiting for tomorrows verdict. Or the eleven attendees may be drinking a toast to an absent friend. Sue.