2005 was...

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    a bit of a non-event in many respects.
    Lots of not-a-lot-happened, if that makes any sense. I know I did the Charing Cross thing, but that being the complete waste of time and effort it always is, doesn’t count as any more than a minor annoyance on the scale of things, Especially as nothing has come of it yet. Latest? CX applied to Torbay, who hadn’t heard of me. They wanted details of the original referral from Exeter, which was chased down eventually, and sent on. This was then passed to Plymouth, who deal with it. And who have passed it back to Torbay. Who have now sent it all back to CX, where it started from. Who are now trying to unravel the whole thing, and get me on to a list. The poor girl in the funding department has been tearing her hair out trying to get me out of it! She is doing her best to get things moving, and get me in as quickly as she can, because the statute is running out rapidly now.
    And the other little additions to the anatomy? Well, finally, on December 22nd, a patient doctor and his patient patient were reunited in surgery, not that I actually remember it, being under a general anaesthetic again, for him to go in and find the valve, turn it round, and ‘fill ‘em up’. I’ve lost count of the number of attempts previous to complete the penultimate phase, the last expansion. There were three in outpatients, then three under the ultrasound scanner, I think. However, all done for now. Just a couple of months, then all out and the ‘real’ ones inserted. Apparently they are expected to last for about 15years. Current size is around large C/small D, which suits me just fine.
    Christmas has been a rather quite affair this year. Work is going well again, once they left me alone to my own devices. I don’t perform well when some one is watching. Their big no-no this year? They reverted to the old system of 9yrs ago, paying us on the last working day of the month, instead of the last day before Christmas itself. Not a popular move, announced as it was two weeks beforehand. So I’m not the only one who will not be going out over the season, and the only thing I can give thanks for is that we have just enough food and electric to see us through, though it has been getting rather cold in the flat. And to cap that, I got my bi/tri-annual cold, so spent most of Christmas and Boxing day horizontal with a box of tissues for company.
    There was one highlight towards the end of the November. The Night Out. Ten people turned up, and everyone enjoyed themselves. There was a write up in the Tribune, so I’ll not go on about it here. I hope to do something similar in early March, Between the January recovery period, Valentines and Easter. More on that soon.
    I think that will do from me for now, as I’m sure you have all got better things to do at this time of year than listen to me whinge on about myself all the time.
    I promise something more cheerful soon.
    And can anyone explain why I can no longer get pictures on the blog, or even format it like I used to be able to?
