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    And Finally...

    With a great clashing of gears, and general grumbling from the mechanism of the NHS, thing move towards their eventual climax. YES, they have got their act together at last, thanks mainly to Laverne in the funds department. She managed almost singlehandedly to get all the various departments to agree that everthing is and actually has been in order and in place, and I am on the list for their '06/'07 surgery budget. I see the consultant on 10th February, and assuming he is satisfied, I should get the 'op' within 6-8 weeks of then. No garuantees, of course, but that is the theoretical timescale. If any reader is or knows of anyone else booked about the same time, do let me know. They say misery loves company. I'm anything but miserable, so can happiness also attract some friends? I do a pretty mean job of moral support too.

    I still have to see the idiot at the clinic on 2nd February, as we could not get the two appointments to coincide, but that is a small price to pay. As soon as I get past the surgeon, I will take great pleasure in telling him to put his head back where it has been most of the time anyway-somewhere the sun never reachesIn fact, I may even offer to assist him in the task!

    I've found out how to play the PC now, so this should be a little more decorative than my last few efforts. And having got past the Christmas rush, signed off a few sites that were not quite what they purported to be (no, I don't do that! I think you know the type I mean), cleared out far too many emails, and been busy with parties and suffering the usual winter ills, (I'm not usually subject to most, but when I do, they are like buses, and all come at once), I will be back on-line on a regu;lar basis.

    See you all soon.

    Sue. XX