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    March Madness, April Flowers


    Well, March ended in a most unexpected manner. Cliff was due to leave for Newcastle to see his latest ladyfriend, taking a day off work ‘sick’. I had been expecting him to go up there to live for the previous two weeks, ever since he arrived back with a car she had bought him. Not that he even hinted it to me, supposedly his best friend. He had been up to see her on three or four occasions since they met online, and she had been down to stay with us in February. I got on well with her, going out on a couple of shopping trips and such. Anyway, Friday was the 31st, payday, and all seemed fine.

    Imagine my surprise to arrive home from work on Thursday to find a note ‘sorry, I’ve left’. He had taken that day off as well, packed up and buggered off. Nice guy. Not. He did already have the rent set up to be paid, so I did not have to find that for April, but the other expenses were all mine. Lucky me. So I now had one month to either find myself somewhere else, not easy if you have no deposit, or get another flatmate PDQ. I really could have done without the extra stress right then.

    I hate to think what the phone bill will come in at, as I called virtually everyone I know, same goes for emails, all at work, notices in the local shops, and crossed my fingers. Result! Two texts, one said ‘am very interested in the flat, the other ‘sorry for texting so late, (it was only 9.50pm!), am interested’, and left his name and number. No contest, the latter called next day, (the other didn’t for two days), and Andi (his choice of spelling, curiously) is now living here. (For those who are nosey, like me, he’s 28, fit, working, and really does have a twin brother living nearby J). Now if I was 20yrs younger… But I’m not, so it will simply be on a business basis. See the last paragraph for something else on relationships.

    As for me? Well, the weight is dropping rather slowly, but it is going in the right direction. The warmer weather seems to help. I was hoping to make it for the end of last month, but this month looks more realistic.

    On the shrinks side, I did ask him about blood tests, as no one seems to give a flying f*** about what happens between visits. No follow-ups, nothing. I did have one taken when I was there in February, but it seems I have to call them for the results, call the other side to tell them, call them to find out what is supposed to be done, as I know they are nowhere near normal limits, and god only knows what they will do about it. I decided to write to them instead, they want to control everything, and this is the letter. As you will see, not a lot of respect from this end.



                                                                                                     4th April 2006

    Dear Dr Barrett,

    On my last visit to you, blood tests were taken. Knowing how Charing prefers to keep everything in house, I expected to have been informed by yourselves of the results of those tests by now. I would also have expected to have been told not only of the results, but also if they were not within the expected limits what you intend to do about it.

    As you will see from my records, I saw Mr Bellringer shortly after you, and that side of my progress is all in hand, and proceeding according to plan. If it is your intention to wait until after the operation before rebalancing my hormone levels, I would appreciate your telling me.

    As usual, the lack of communication from your department is appalling. Why is it necessary for me to instigate everything? You claim to be the best in the country, yet you never appear to assist the patient in any way. We have to find all the information and procedures ourselves, and then try and persuade you to carry them out.

    So, please look into the aforementioned tests and let me know what is going to happen. My GP is perfectly capable of acting under your instructions, so further visits to London for that purpose will be unnecessary. I am well aware that you will be sending me another appointment later this year to see you and the endocrinologist. However, that does not provide an answer to the immediate question of my current hormone levels. I know from my own experience that they are not as they should be, so this is a matter of some urgency. Perhaps the endocrinologist can give my GP some guidance as to the ‘correct’ (for the transgendered) levels of the three main ones? (Oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone), and how change them.

    A prompt reply would be appreciated.


    As yet, all I have heard back is from the appointments department, my next little jaunt is in July to see the little turd again. Very helpful, I don’t think. It is so tempting to take a blunt knife and give him a free double orchidectomy. If I could find them, I’m not sure the overpaid git has any balls anyway. Trouble is, knowing Charing Cross, all that would happen is I would have to go through the whole thing again with another shrink. Jail is a better option; at least there I would go to the top of the list.


    That’s got some more anger out of my system. Good thing I am on the hormones, it does help keep the temper in check.


    Oh yes! Nearly didn’t mention it, but I have been ‘introduced’ by a mutual friend to someone. We have been exchanging emails and photos, and chatting for hours on the phone, and I am going down to meet them next weekend. So life is actually going very well right now. And if we get on as well in person as we have so far, well, who knows where it may lead….


    Tea is now ready, and I’ve bent your ears for long enough, so, until next time,



