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    Who Stole May and June???

    ‘Cos I don’t know where they went. Maybe having a new flatmate, new girlfriend, a short hospital stay (no, not that one yet L) and steadily improving (yes, I do mean getting better and better) family relationships would account for the loss of time. Plus I am seriously thinking about changing jobs, always a big thing. And as soon as the companies who take our money get their act together and condescend to take mine, I can upgrade my membership to what it was before the latest round of financial farce. Then I will have no excuse for not keeping up to date.

    I digress as usual.

    One point at a time now: New flatmate is working out not three bad. Namely, I hardly ever see him, he is often round his brother’s in the evenings, and who cooks for him, and at the weekends he is just out. Ideal!

    New girl friend!!! I went down to stay as planned. She lives with her mother, and has done so for a year or so since her divorce. We got on very well, and even her mum likes me J. She then came and stayed with me about 3/4wks later, and she had the novelty of being able to go out in public and hold hands and all sorts of things (NO, not that, oh you of the dirty mind J) we take for granted that she has been reluctant to do in her small town, where she is known. Did I mention she is lesbian? And there are, as we know, still places where that sort of thing (and ours) is frowned on. Even her brother does not speak to her! So to be free of all those inhibiting small town restrictions were just a revelation for her. Me? You know me well enough by now. I just do it any way anyway! Odd when you think about it, I really expected to be read, going out as a couple like that, but not at all. So it didn’t hurt my ego or self esteem either.

    Quick sidetrack again, I have been thinking about changing jobs, to work from nearer home and because I am not keen on the sales aspect of my current situation. I applied for one, just missed it, but the agency concerned wanted to sign me up. So I went to see them, chatted for about 15-20 mins, and then went for the sign-up, where I need to prove I am who I am as per… Well, we did the passport- no good, not my name on it, same for other bits of paper, and I pointed out it is because I have changed my name and stuff. Then I happened to mention that there was also a change of gender in there, and I was most gratified to see the expression of surprise on her face.

    Back to this bit of the story. We had a lovely long weekend, shopping, strolling along the prom, drinks at the pub in the evening, and I didn’t manage to cause food poisoning with my cooking. And we are still talking to each other!

    Last week I went in to hospital for the final final operation on the top. A relatively simple procedure to change the expanders for some proper implants. The expanders were rather firm, sat too high, and the tubes and valves for blowing them up were under the normal bra strap line, so I was getting sore from that. So when he gave me the option to change them, yes please. In Tuesday morning first thing, out of theatre by 11o/c, could go home at 4 if I wanted too, but they will not let you out without a minder, and Kerry (I think I forgot to say her name before) was not due to pick me up until Wednesday, as I did not expect to be out so soon. I noticed a big improvement almost from the start, they sit more naturally and despite the slight soreness, I know things will be a lot better now, and am planning my strapless dress for the next ‘do’ I am invited to. J Kerry stayed for a couple of days to make sure I behaved myself, as in nothing too strenuous, and went home late on the Friday.

    On the family front, things are still steadily improving with my ex, not that it was that bad to start with. I am now driving her old car – I was the first one she offered it to, and knowing my fragile finances, even allows me to pay in instalments! That has made getting home a lot different, 45mins now, as opposed to two hours on the bus. And kinda helps when your other half lives 2hrs away. I am hoping to change that soon, she is not keen on living with mother, and only has a part-time summer job, so…

    And the big move forward? After a number of attempts to do this over the last year or so, I was talking to my mum just before I went into hospital, and she suggested we meet up for lunch one day!  Previously, I have always had the ‘dress nice’ (as in biased towards masculine L) whenever I have called round to see her, and of course, ‘too much make-up’. Well I did at first, don’t we all? Anyway, I only got the ‘little’ lecture this time, nothing much, and we agreed to meet up on my half day. All went according to plan; we had a really nice lunch in an olde worlde café overlooking Exeter cathedral green, took a stroll round some shops she wanted to visit, and she bought me a really nice blouse. Then a cup of tea at an outside table, again by the cathedral, after which I took her back to her bus. For those who have ever been there, and that is probably most of you, you will know just how much that may have cost my mum, and how much it meant to me.

    I am close to the required by CX weight now, about 5lbs to go, so hope to be able to announce something about that soon. Meanwhile, back to work (well, to give that illusion, it is so quite today I have had time to write this between calls), and then home to another plate of rabbit food. Good thing I like lettuce, isn’t it!



