A little break

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     Life continues as usual;


    Up until this week, it has been the well known get up, breakfast, travel, work, travel, tea, play with PC and chat here or on phone, shower and bed. Only to do it all over again the next day. Interspersed with a bit of shopping, bill paying and the odd stroll or cycle down the prom, weather permitting. Which it hasn’t much, this year. At least it hasn’t on my days off, which seem to have been all too few recently, due to the really odd shifts introduced where I work. However, I’m changing campaigns, so that should improve things.

    This week I’ve been on holiday. And guess what? Yep, the weather has not played ball. Though today it is bright and sunny. Typical, and I get the feeling that it will now be hot and sunny for some time, just because I’m back at work tomorrow. C’est la vie.

    So what does one do on holiday when one lives in a holiday resort? Not a lot, to be honest. My son has been staying with me, so we have managed a couple of days out. One was to the local waterpark. Lots of slides and, surprisingly enough, water. The high slides are about 20m, and the only way up is steps. Je suis knackered! It was good fun, but he has the advantage of youth, and managed about twice as many trips up and down as I did. I did enjoy it, all the same. Except for one minor incident, about my second go down. I landed in the bottom pool the wrong way up, and moving fairly quickly forwards. No problem? Yes problem. I stood up, as you do, and felt a bit cooler than I should. OOOPS! No prizes for guessing the combined result of gravity and water resistance on a costume that does not have much in the way of straps over the shoulder. Yes, assets on show!

    And we did go out for a couple of cycle rides, so I have had a bit of exercise that does not involve sitting in my computer chair and spinning round and round. Wish the saddle of the bike was half as comfortable. Less said about that the better.

    Anyway, I’ve had a nice gentle break, and am sort of ready to start the newest job on Monday. I have applied for another position, nearer home, and hopefully the hours will be better, and not having to travel will be great. Still waiting on some feedback on that one.

    That’s about all for now. Got to try and find everything to take Peter home, with all he arrived with, and a bit more that has mysteriously accumulated over the week.

    Au ‘voir,

