Dear Diary

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    I don’t believe it!


    Actually, there are a lot more than one ‘its’ I don’t believe. But the one that started this was the realisation that I’ve not written anything for so long. It’s not as though there has been that much going on to keep me distracted, if you can discount the hours I spend on the phone every night! Maybe that could have a lot to do with it? It was also noted when I last dropped into the chat room that I’d not been around for a while, so I guess it must be true.

     I had better bring things up to date a bit. I was supposed, sometime around the middle of the year, to go visit my mate at Charing Cross again. As I really didn’t fancy it, and being short of money as usual, I decided realised that I couldn’t afford the trip at that time even if I wanted to, so I called them and cancelled the appointment, perhaps a month/six weeks before it was due. About a week later, I called again to confirm the cancellation, and to say I would be calling ‘soon’ to arrange another. Naturally, I then promptly forgot about it. A couple of months later, I get a rather stroppy letter, saying I had missed my appointment, and the place could have been given to someone else (they were welcome to it, as far as I was concerned), and did I realise it could jeopardise my place on the surgeons list and other dire threats. Therefore, they had made me a new appointment for 4th Jan. How kind… So, in mid November I booked the day off from work, and took a chance the works Christmas party would be the same time as last year and booked the 5th as well. For once, things went as planned, and it was.

     In mid November, my supervisor reminded me I still had over three weeks holiday to take, so I had the first part of December off, and Kerry came up for an extended stay. The weather was horrible, so we spent a lot of time online or watching films. We did venture out once to the local gay club, Rockys, but it was a quiet night there, except for the ‘clubby’ music, which was too loud as there were not many people in. no-one danced until he started playing Abba, then they got up. Cliché, anyone? He did that for about half an hour, then he reverted to the other stuff, and everyone sat down again. Obviously, he could not take a hint…

     Christmas itself was very quiet, and I spent rather a lot of time in the chat room. I only had four days off, as it is a very busy time at work, so it did not drag too much. On the 30th, I went to stay with my ex Cathy and co for a couple of nights, which went very well. We spent New Years Eve playing Risk until we got a bit too you-know-what to see the pieces. Not too much so, as both my brother and I were working New Years Day. Then on the 3rd, Kerry came up, as she was going to come with me to Charing.

     Early next morning, we walked down to the station for the straight through train to London. Wrong! It got to Exeter, where it was announced we would have to change. During the half hour wait on a freezing platform, it was overheard that the problem was the driver had not turned up! We (and about 100 other passengers) were not amused. In hindsight, I suppose it was funny, but not at the time. Anyway, we got there at the second attempt, and spent a couple of hours doing some malls before the appointment.

     Dr Barrett was running late, most unusual for him, he likes to get you in and out quickly. He asked how thing were, and were there any changes and such inanities, then went onto the subject of weight again. He did not seem to be aware that I had seen the surgeon, or that I had been told the same thing by him. However, he then stunned me completely. He actually said, in front of a witness, that I am what he described as ‘an ideal candidate’ for SRS. The first positive thing he has ever said, and I was almost speechless. He then went on to say the only problem is that I am ‘too much’ of an ideal, but it was said in a joking manner, as in there is just too much of me, and I need to lose a bit. He suggested a couple of things, such as cycling to work. That is out, I am not cycling 24 miles on a dangerous dual carriageway in the dark! We chatted for bit about other options, then that was it. He will make another appointment for me in the summer. 20 minutes, and done.

     That left Kerry and I with some time on our hands. We did try and bring our reservations forward, but no luck, so we went round a couple more shops, and then for a pub meal. If you are ever in the Paddington area, there is a pub called the Dickens Tavern, and the meal was excellent and reasonably priced. It is in a street opposite the entrance. And so home.

     Next day we hit the shops for accessories for the company Christmas ‘do’ that evening. It was a black tie affair, in Exeter Golf and Country Club. There was a photographer there, and the pics can be seen at for anyone interested. Kerry and I are about 2/3 of the way down, and I was in the crowd dancing, but you can’t see me very well. It started at 7pm, but despite starting to get ready at about 2.30, we didn’t leave home until after 7, and arrived fashionably late at about 8. It went on until the small hours, so it didn’t matter too much and all had a good time.

     And that’s about it for now. A lot of sameness, work, eat, sleep, more work…

     With luck, this year should bring some changes, especially if I get my act together. Last year was a bit of a holding time, what with Cliff leaving and Andi moving in, and I feel I was just drifting a bit. I am starting again now, with new determination and resolve to get things ‘fixed’ once and for all.



    Sue. XX