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    It never Rains but it Pours…


    Some one up there has definitely got it in for me! Every time I think I have got things sorted, something else goes down the proverbial pan.

    Though I have suspected for a couple of weeks, it was still a shock to arrive home a week ago last Friday to find my erstwhile flatmate had made himself scarce. I could develop a complex over disappearing people. Or can I blame something from the XX files? The truth is out there!

    Which very nicely dropped me right in the cr*p again. Two-person maisonette, one of me. And this time he did not even have the decency to pay the rent up.

    As it happens, I was looking into moving anyway, into my old hometown with another girl from T-Web, but not quite as soon! So after initial panic, we are going for a flat in Tiverton, 3beds and two bathrooms – what more could a girl want? It will mean there is space for either of our kids to visit, or anyone else who wants to drop by. I have invited many over the last couple of years, and those invites still stand.

    The is possibility of a T-Girl from London who wants to move down to where I live now, and I have offered her the flat, but not heard back yet…

    Apart from that, the rotten lot at the phone company seem to have noticed I have had broadband for the last three months free of charge – it’s not my fault if their billing system is rubbish, and despite cutting my phone off allowed me to stay online for some time afterwards. I can get on at work, though their damn net nanny thing interferes sometimes. So I will be finding a desk where the screen can’t be seen and try and chat from there – typing stuff is accepted, chatting generally isn’t.

    Nor is running overtime – especially if you have bus to catch. Gotta go,
