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    Moving (far too) Swiftly On


    So I am moving again! And once again, things are not exactly under my control. A little preparation time would have been nice, but as I usually squander such moments thinking about doing instead of actually doing, it would have been wasted on me.

              The big difference this time is that I am really looking forward to being in my old town, where I lived for the best part of 30 years. (Seeing that in writing doesn’t half make me feel old!). I don’t actually feel old, at least not until I try running up the second flight of stairs at work… Thank you all who remembered I am now playing with a full deck of years as of the beginning of the month. I even got dragged into a club a couple of weeks ago. To be honest, I don’t usually go to places like that any more. They only play one record, a continuous computer generated drumbeat, with someone chewing a brick or simulating sex down a microphone over the top. Not my scene at all. And certainly nothing like the discos I attended in my teens back in the/… too much information! J

              So, it’s another new start. Only this time I am going in with a lot more experience. I know I should by now be able to organise the proverbial in a brewery, but over the last couple of years have managed to make a complete pigs ear of almost everything. And, as before, I am determined to get it right this time. I have a dream of ending 2007 post-op, in the same house as I started the year, and debt free. I’ll settle for the first two, the last may be beyond my reach for a little longer.

              I’m writing at work, as I still have no internet access at home. It’s not worth getting it back on now; I may as well wait until we’ve moved. So I should be back online properly in a couple of weeks, and able to join in with the chat again. The server at work will only allow me to get as far as the site, not into chats. Rotten lot, aren’t they.

              I had better get back on the phone again now, before the queues start building up.

