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    My 2007 in Brief

    Well, it's been a very short one, mainly because it's been so busy. They say moving, divorce and changing jobs are the three most stressful things you can do, and I've done two of those this year.

    The move was damned hard work, and took all day to get it out of the flat, Kerry and I, and then into the new place, but at least there were four of us. Didn't help that old place was on 2nd and 3rd floor, and new one is on 1½th, 2nd and 3rd as well. Was knackered, to say the least. It was so nice coming into a place with proper heating!

    Anyway, got in and spent the next months moving things around, and not finished yet. I still seem to have twice as much stuff as there is space, despite it being a lot bigger. Go figure.

    So, I had been in for about a month or so, and keeping my eyes open for jobs, as you do, and one came up that was made for me. I was enjoying the other one, especially as it was much easier to get to from here, but this was better still. Virtually the same thing as I was doing, but for local government and in walking distance! Not to mention the higher pay and benefits that go with working in the public sector, like sick pay and pensions.

    It took me many hours to get the CV and application right, and the interview was hairy, but I got it! I was walking on air for days, even though it meant losing some redundancy from the last job, which was going under. I made up the difference already, and am really happy. I expect to stay in this job now until I retire, it's too god to pass up. And I have already got a sort of promotion, as a section specialist, and even though it's unpaid, it's a start.

    The rest of the year has really been consolidating. I admit to having progressed no further with the weight loss as required by Charing Cross. And I still can't see what their problem is, as I went under the knife again in late September, gallbladder out and chest hernia repair. No problems, fine coming out of anaesthetic. What is Charing Cross' problem? I'm not going there this time, you'all heard enough from me about my thoughts on that place.

    Then, suddenly, it's December approaching fast. And just for once, there is a meeting going on I can attend! Some of the girls are going to Milton Keynes, staying at the Campanile and doing Pink Punters for two nights. So I had to get some clothes, naturally. And shoes. I travelled up on the Thursday, stayed with a friend in Chelmsford, she and I and another friend of hers went to MK on Friday, I stayed over, went back to hers on Saturday, off to another friend for Sunday, home Monday. I'm getting too old for this!

    The following Friday was my work's Christmas party, but fortunately (or not, depending on your point of view) the posh frock did both do's.

    And there was 2007, gone before I really noticed it.