Onwards and upwards...

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    Good, and getting better all the time


    When you’re very young, you are always conscious of your age, that ‘and a half’ or ‘and three quarters’ are crucial and the next birthday is so far away. Then you hit your teens, and the extra year gets added so you can buy your first pack of cigarettes, then your first proper drink. All part of the growing up process…

           Not many years later and you are now ‘over 21’ for longer than you care to admit. Well, and I’m sure the more mature amongst us will agree, the next birthday seems to run into the one after with increasing rapidity, and suddenly time seems to go so fast that no sooner have you figured out what month you’re in it’s the year after. I opened up the blog to add a bit to the last, and I find two months have snuck past while I wasn’t looking! It’s just not fair…

           Point is, I have been kinda busy, so time has flown as usual – ‘Time flies when you’re having fun’, allegedly, and the same applies when you’re occupied it seems.

    Transitionally I’ve seen the good doctor in Newton Abbot twice more. (I guess he has to accumulate a certain number of hours with each of us). He has arranged to get me in to see the consultant for a referral sooner than as is usual, considering my history. He is now in possession of my CX records, and did smile when he mentioned my letters to Barrett, though he did his best to disguise it and be serious and mildly chastise me. He did comment that he could see I was obviously not getting on very well at CX! Currently he thinks I should get to see Dr Dean in about six weeks. And he is going to contact the surgeon’s secretary ahead of time and find out what the ‘requirements’ are. Unfortunately, liposuction is not included in the transition package, so it’s going to have to be the dreaded diet. Mind you, I have lost about 7lbs in the last month, so things are heading in the right direction, even if gravity is taking its toll.

    I had my first laser session, and though it still hurt, it was not as bad as I remembered from last time. That at least has advanced in since 2001. And though I wondered for a while if it was going to work, with the hair coming through thick and very dark, it must have been the burnt out roots because after about 2-3 weeks I could see a dramatic improvement! The complete course of about six sessions should, at the current rate of advance, see my face virtually clear of hair. (Patience is a virtue!).

    Work is progressing well; the top bosses are moving on and others stepping up. Not me, unfortunately, but we are gradually being allowed more individual responsibility. Again, it takes time; the centre is only just about to celebrate its second birthday.

    I am, however, soon to have something to do instead of geeking out in front of the computer or slobbing out in front of the television in the evenings. Or two evenings for a start, I’ve only gone and got myself a part-time job in a local supermarket. Not much, but it just goes to show we girls can get jobs, even if they are perhaps a little (?)(!)  below our capabilities. A bit of ‘pin money’, as they used to call it. That glass ceiling is still up there, and in our case it would seem to be armoured, but still…

    2008 is looking better all the time!