What did I do in a past life?

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    If there is such a thing as re-incarnation, I am so happy I never met myself before.

    I must have been a real nasty piece of work, assuming your sins are re-visited upon you.

    Seems like someone thinks I do not get enough fresh air, so ventilated my car for me by removing the front windows on both sides.

    Anyone handy with the superglue - I think all the pieces are there, on the seats and in the footwells.

    Just what I really really needed right now, on top of everything else. I suppose the only consolation is that something happened, as opposed to nothing happening elsewhere. NOT.

    Maybe the operation I should be going for is turning either my head or my legs through one hundred and eighty degrees. Then going one step forward and two back would seem more natural.

    Sue is not a happy bunny.