Three forward, two back, slow progress but..

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    Finally, after a lot more paper shuffling, emails, faxes and goddess knows what else, the right papers ended up on the right desk and someone who could read did so and acted on them.

    Seen Mr Surgeon chappie, he's ok with me, got the usual earache about weight, smoking, blood pressure, etc. etc. plus lecture about what he will do (like I didn't know by now), hospital procedures and regulations (been there as well), all told less than 30mins in and out between four hour drives and we are getting there.

    Namely, arranging a date to go in! Am trying to get it before I go on holiday this summer, otherwise it will be nearly autumn or miss my holiday... (had the silly arses got their act together and shoved the red tape where the sun doesn't, it would be such a dilemma).

    No matter, if my wishes are taken note of and acted upon, (that would be a first!), early June is a maybe...
