More Nothing

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    Not much to add yet. No further progress re breasts. They tried once more to finish the expansion, but again could not do it, so back under the scanner I go. No date yet. No surprise. Only positive news is that I can go bigger than I first thought, if I want to, by another 50ml. I'll sleep on that.

    Called Charing Cross. They sent the funding request to PCT in August. Apparently they don't usually take this long to reply, so they are going to chase it up. No surprises there either.

    So, putting my time to better use, I saw an advert in our local shop for a small hotel nearby (I live in Torquay, keep up) offering a dining/function room. As I live a long way from the major centres like Manchester and London, and I know there are a number of our girls locally, well, why not. I went there over the weekend, and they would be quite happy to host an evening meal, so maybe this could be the first of many, and it might even grow into something bigger. Today was spent sending out notices, and Katie is on board as well, so who knows. There are at least six interested so far, and my target was twelve. It can hold sixteen, so maybe I have started something. I hope so.

    Have a third person moving into flat for a while, until he gets on his feet. Will be crowded, but who wants to live on their own anyway. I've done that, and would rather put up with too much company than none.

    That's about it. It sounds rather boring, written out, but Alice and I are like Laurel and Hardy, or an old married couple, and we have rarely stopped laughing since we moved in. I am so enjoying life.
