Antonia Wood

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    Today I went to the Antonia Wood Dressing Service in east London. Antonia is a trans woman and a make-up artiste. She offers makeovers, dressing services, photoshoots and similar services from her flat.


    For this makeover we talked about the look I wanted to achieve and the sort of outfit I wanted. Antonia has an extensive wardrobe. First she applied the makeup. This took quite a long time. It was more involved than I was expecting – but what do I know? And she was going for more than just an everyday look.


    Then she brought out a number of black dresses and we settled on one which stopped just above the knee. She completed the look with a pearl necklace and some killer heels. These were surprisingly comfortable so I might look out for something similar.


    After that, she took a lot of photos on her iPhone of Ariane in various poses. Some of these have already come through and one of them is now my profile photo. I will put the best of the rest in an album over the next day or so.


    How did I feel while all this was happening? Increasingly happy, especially when I put on the shoes and walked around, and saw the photos. I feel like a real woman now. I want more of this. Soon though I will have to book a makeup lesson so that I feel confident doing it on my own.


    I hadn't planned on black hair and red lipstick but I like the combination very much and this is probably how I will look going forward.