Lying low

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    Ariane has gone to ground – externally at least – owing to the constant presence of family members in the house for the next few days. It's all I can do to collect deliveries from couriers before others see them. Stuff designed for a trans recipient generally arrives in plain packaging, but boxes of cosmetics usually name the supplier on the label. So I try to time my purchases to arrive when there will be no one here. I'm not sure this is a great way to live. I already have a locked suitcase full of stuff hidden away and there's a limit to what else I can store.


    On a more positive note, I saw my friends P & P this morning. We are hatching a getaway plan. By this I mean that they will get away to a European destination for a short break and I will go with them as their friend. On arrival at this cosmopolitan capital city (let's call it Berlin), Ariane will come out to play and won't mind who sees her. Likely to be late June or thereabouts.