All made up and nowhere to go

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    Ariane finally has everything she needs. Well to look like Ariane anyway. There are other needs in life, such as female company. But you can't always get what you want.


    So I'm at home this afternoon. I changed into Ariane mode. New 5" inch heels (Pleaser Amuse) which are better to walk around in than heels have any right to be. I love wearing these. So feminine. New hair, from a company in Sandhurst. And, even down to the intimate details, new breast forms as well. So warm, and they feel part of my body already.


    i have a full set of cosmetic products so I had my first attempt at applying makeup. I was following the notes from Christiane as best I could. It took me about 45 minutes. But this will get quicker and I will learn more each time I do it. The look would improve under female command. But then the world would be a better place if women were in charge and men had to do what they were told. One day…


    I like the look of myself as Ariane fully dressed and made up. I feel ready to go out and meet the world. However, I don't feel ready to meet the neighbours, or indeed anyone I know apart from P & P and their family. So although I would like to be with them two miles down the road, or, for example, in central Manchester tomorrow tonight (Wednesday night is TGirl night), I can't risk travelling from A to B in case the wrong person recognises me. Truly I am all made up and nowhere to go.


    So this is the next best thing, Ariane alone at home, enjoying her online life and drinking gin and tonic.


    There is one thing I forgot. I don't have any perfume. Not urgent as I won't be socialising today. So I placed an online order for some Chanel No.5. I have always loved this classic scent.