Coronation Day dilemma

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    Let's start with today. I am at home and I am alone. So I am wearing the black skater minidress and the block heel ankle boots. And everything else including matching pearl necklace, bracelet and earrings. I think I like the Chanel No.5 the best because I'm aware of the scent the whole time. Also the wide black leather belt that draws in my waist. I can feel that the whole time too.


    It is a little unfortunate living here in a residential suburb of a quiet Surrey town with no trans-friendly cafe to go to or anywhere like that. I was hoping my friend Penny might be free at short notice to come round and meet the girl but I haven't heard back from her.


    There's something about wearing an outfit like this. It makes me feel sexy in a way that wearing male clothes simply doesn't. Who knew?! My desire to go out and be seen is so strong. It's almost painful.


    So then, fast forward to Saturday 6 May. As you all know, this is an important day in the life of our monarch when he gets to wear fancy clothes (not those sort of clothes) and then someone (the Archbishop?) sticks a crown on his head. What am I going to do? I identified two options.

    (a) stay at home and watch the coronation on TV wearing my Union Jack waistcoat. Stand up at various points to sing the National Anthem. Afterwards, meet up with my fellow Britons at a local hostelry or maybe a long table in the street somewhere to drink weak beer, watch the highlights on any of the 500 channels that won't be showing anything else (move over Gary Lineker, Charles III is presenting MOTD today), and take part in anti-woke conversations about the danger that trans people present to impressionable schoolchildren.

    (b) head north to Manchester, transform myself into Ariane mode for the weekend, meet up with Penny's daughter the lovely Edith and her lovely smiley friend Rachelle on the Saturday evening, and hit the town for some drinking and maybe clubbing afterwards.


    It's a tough one but on balance I decided that Manchester needs me more than the good subjects of Surrey, so I've made plans to travel north. These two very obliging girls have signed up for the party. I can hardly wait.