I just did a mad thing

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    Ariane couldn't stand being cooped up at home any longer. So I changed into my ankle boots, put on the Karen Millen coat, picked up the car keys, and… walked out the door.


    It was scary at first because I had to walk 100 yards to where I'd left the car, past the neighbours' houses. But I didn't see anyone. Maybe they saw me from inside their houses. Who knows? Even then they might not recognise me. I find it reassuring that the facial recognition software on my iPhone doesn't recognise Ariane and prompts me for a passcode.


    I breathed easier once I was inside the car. Driving along, I felt quite safe. No one looks at the driver, they just see the car. So I drove a few miles to Witley Common. This is my favourite local place. All heathland and woodland. So peaceful.


    There was no one in the car park. I got out and started walking on a track through the woods. I only saw one person when I was out. A female runner with her dog. She didn't take any notice of me. So I must be passing as female reasonably well. I'm confident with my make up now.


    I enjoyed the walk, the swish of the clothes, the cool breeze on my nylon legs. About half an hour later I was back at the car. There was another car in the car park, but no one was around. It wouldn't have mattered if there was. I got in my car and drove home.


    I felt so alive when I was out as Ariane. Going for a walk dressed was a liberating thing to do. It's like I've made a breakthrough. If I can do that round here, where there's a risk I might be recognised, Ariane can go anywhere and do anything. So happy. Drinking more gin.