After dark

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    In the end, going into the woods wasn't enough. I waited until it was dark then Ariane was off again. This time for a local walk through the neighbourhood. It's much easier in the dark as people are less likely to recognise you.


    Out of our road, down another road, turn right beside the church, and carry on walking… I didn't see anyone face to face. But there was a couple of women a way behind me, talking and laughing as they walked along. I didn't want to turn round and walk home – that would have drawn attention to myself – so I just carried on until they went somewhere else.


    I was passed by several cars. The closest was where a woman came out of the church in front of me and got into her parked car. I walked past and she started off. So she had a clear view of Ariane from behind in her headlights. But that didn't matter.


    I walked home and knew I wouldn't be alone much longer, so Ariane went away, the make up came off, and I had a shower.


    Two thoughts. First, in Ariane mode, I am eating less food and drinking more gin and tonic. This is known as the Ariane Diet.


    Second, being Ariane is like a drug. The more I do, the more I want. I'm now at the stage where I have to go out. I don't mind being on my own, in fact it's easier, as long as I can enjoy the town and countryside and just be myself. This will keep me going for a while. But at some point I'm going to want more. Human interaction. This has already started with P & P and will continue with their family in London and Manchester. Ariane will become established as a girl in her own right, with her own friends. And then what?