Country girl

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    It's Tuesday, I'm alone at home again, so I was straight into Ariane mode. The main question was, where to go today? None of my friends are available for a home visit (the ones who are still speaking to me that is).


    So I got in the car and drove off. I was going to Farncombe, to walk round Broadwater Lake and recreation ground. But the car park was nearly full, and I know an increasing number of people in Farncombe, so that wouldn't have been a good idea.


    Instead I kept going until I reached the outskirts of Guildford. I parked on the high ground next to Pewley Down. Then I walked across the Down to the other side, past some houses, turned right to walk downhill on a road, then back across the fields on a track that returned to the car. I was out for about an hour. I met a few people on the way, but no one I knew, and none of them spoke to me or stared at me.


    It felt easier this time than last week. It's starting to feel natural and normal for me to be out as Ariane. I have plans for a longer walk tomorrow.


    So what was I wearing today? The long black dress, just showing under the Karen Millen coat. My ankle boots. A pair of stockings (more retail therapy). It's amazing how much difference wearing stockings makes to your world view.


    The route was muddy in places. No real damage done. But when I got home, it was time to clean those shiny shiny shiny boots of leather…